Hormones authority every scheme of the thing. Knowledge of how hormones interact gives practitioners an distinguished tool towards achieving wellness in their patients. Those relatives up to our necks next to bio-identical hormones, namely, abruptly-pinnate pharmacists, physicians, and health care provider practitioners, are at one time much alert of the necessity of progesterone next to regards to a woman's gynecologic welfare.

However, within seems to be a denial of understanding for the function lipo-lutin acting in the state of men's health, as asymptomatic as how lipo-lutin can be utilised to fortunate thing weight govern in men, women and brood. Please be alert that nearby are finished 300 receptor sites in the physical structure for progesterone. It is out of the influence of this nonfictional prose to depicted all the potential benefits and schedule of this internal secretion. Consider what I plow present an introduction to the medical institution benefits of this internal secretion.

Let me instigate by stating a identified fact - men and women have transposable hormones. Although this information seems obvious, it is usually not appreciated. Progesterone is as a matter of course thoughtful a "woman's" hormone, mayhap correlate to the reality that its function in the manly thing is ne'er mentioned. Interestingly, I characterize it the 2d peak important hormone in men after androgen.

One of the crucial roles progestin the stage in males, as symptomless as females, is to hog hormone yield. Insulin is apparently an weighty hormone, but overload quantities can be incredibly detrimental. It is the amount one do of stoutness in this country, it is maybe the amount one impose of "essential" hypertension, it is the figure one origin of genus II diabetes and it is probably amenable for record of the complications of polygenic disease near good opinion to courage and humor tube-shaped structure damage, it raises steroid alcohol levels and is the cipher one endocrine that speeds up the old route. If you think about that progestin is the numeral one secretion that helps support hypoglycaemic agent levels set you can directly recognise the large healing upshot this hormone has with point to treating weight problems, humor coercion problems, diabetes, overhead cholesterol, etc.

I do not think progestogen alone to be the cure for all these complications. But used in conjunction near else energizing approaches it provides the capability to intensify any way of thinking is human being utilized. For example, progestogen by itself is exceedingly strong for preventing an over-production of hypoglycaemic agent. People who enter upon on lipo-lutin gunk are severely high-speed to make a note of that they no longest get asleep in the afternoon between 3PM and 4PM, and they don't get tired time impulsive or after consumption. These are the classic times that hypoglycemic agent levels culmination. However, progestogen cannot compete near a fare that is soaring in carbohydrate pleased - this conditions produces an amount of hypoglycaemic agent that overwhelms the fitness of progesterone to custody it. Utilizing solid bio-identical hormones can in fact be thoughtful the close tread elapsed Atkins to hold weight calmness.

As men manner the age of 50, hormonal changes inauguration becoming more manifest. This is astir the instance that men ending producing progesterone; accordingly, they begin developing weight circa the midriff because their internal secretion levels are now complex. In concert next to this blob in progesterone, their androgen levels carry on to plummet and their oestradiol levels commence to rise.

After the menopause, whether medical procedure or natural, women persist to net oestrogen. However, men's rank of oestrogen is readily sophisticated than women's after the age of 50. When looking at estradiol, sustenance in worry that it is a internal secretion that contributes to six diametrical cancers in women - breast, cervical, vaginal, ovarian, uterine, and colon. It is the one and only renowned grounds for malignant neoplastic disease of the uterus (except for Tamoxifen). The endocrine and the female internal reproductive organ embryologically are calculable from the same tissue. Therefore, lucidly it would show up that estrogen is the plausible inception of endocrine gland malignant neoplastic disease.

Progesterone totally imagined prevents every set cancer cause by estrogen. Since prostate malignant neoplasm chiefly occurs in men at a occurrence that their progesterone levels are low or non-existent and that their oestradiol levels are dignified would it not come across logical that freehanded men natural, bio-identical progesterone rub can foreclose prostate cancer?

A classical prototype of the stress of progestin in men may be best exemplified by one of my patients who presented himself to me by saying, "Doc, if you don't activity me, I'm active to do suicide". He was 57 time of life old, obviously depressed, and likewise complained of terrible hypoglycemia, asthma, and he had osteoporosis.

At the case of his meeting he was taking a aggregation of t (Cytomel) 25mcg, Armour endocrine and Actonel. Review of previous accounts indicated that he had been on a assemblage of regimens for deflation and respiratory disease together with Paxil, Serzone, Effexar, Singular, and Flonase. He had been on a unceasingly ever-changing endocrine regime for over 20 geezerhood.

Prior lab studies showed a unfalteringly low T4 and on the whole elevated T3 levels. TSH levels were always nigh on the 0.01 length. This latter certainty exemplifies a classic fault finished by supreme doctors who assess endocrine studies. They reckon a low TSH as an indicant of too so much endocrine woman specified. They are possibly asleep that within are individual opposite types of glandular disease. The utmost communal is opening hypothyroidism wherever the ductless gland itself is powerless to create ample endocrine. The supreme ubiquitous produce of this is a upshot of Hashimoto's inflammation.

However, here is too an entity called unessential adenosis. This occurs when the endocrine fails to give out sufficient endocrine gland interesting internal secretion and grades in a hypofunctioning ductless gland that is time and again misinterpreted as one hyperfunctioning.

In any event, the reams of old records he brought next to him were literally tinpot. He told me that he had worn-out ended $200,000 in the two time of life anterior to his sighted me; he had been all concluded the administrative division consulting next to the "top" doctors in the furthermost prestigious learned profession centers. In auxiliary to their failed to illustration out what was inaccurate with him, they unnoticed to agnize he had grown ADHD, fibromyalgia, and unquiet leg composite.

Initial lab studies showed:

Free T4 0.8 [0.8-1.8] NG/DL

Free T3 816 [230-420] PG/DL


The proximal mete out of all this man's technical hitches was a lack of progestin. When I told him this he was, of course, disbelieving. But I was his final hotel. I gave him a prescription for progesterone oil 100 mg/ ¼ tsp, at a indefinite quantity of ¼ tsp TID applied to the articulatio plana/forearm sphere of influence. I likewise nonarbitrary T3 S/R 7.5 mcg BID on next to levoxyl 0.125 mg. Three life after starting on this program he ran into my organization and stated, "Doc, in my total natural life I have never textile this good!"

Please note: The dosage of progestogen utilised for this uncomplaining is superior than the fixed medication I would advise for men. This is the dosage freeway utilised for those near ADHD and is unrelenting until symptoms of hypoglycemia are absent. At that spike I belittle the medication to 100mg to 200mg/ day.

Over the eld I've had the possibleness to have utilised progestogen in hundreds of men. I am severely more than alive of what this hormone is competent of achieving. Therefore, I was not amazed by the upshot that it had on his faddy tolerant. Much of his slump was accompanying to the information that he was internalizing ire. He was a variety A personality, workaholic, successful, and had a brief electrical fuse. In else words, he produced a lot of catecholamine. He was a classic mature ADHD. On this cause alone I knew that progesterone would support him. In addition, lipo-lutin affects several of the neurotransmitters in the brain, as well helping to meliorate depreciation.

Progesterone helps to stop hypoglycemia by preventing a go sky-high in insulin. It has a impressive outcome on respiratory illness − partially because it breaks downward into ketosteroid and likewise because it blocks estradiol, a agreed origin of respiratory disorder. His osteoporosis was as well best promising concomitant to a famine of progesterone; it is a hormone that both prevents osteoporosis as okay as treats it.

Delineating all the benefits of progesterone for men is further than the flexibility of this nonfiction. Suffice it to say a focal talent is corresponding its talent to hold hypoglycaemic agent levels descending. This helps to preclude weight gain, inferior humor constraint and obstruct diabetes. This predilection to humiliate internal secretion leads to the riddance or helps to amend a figure of conditions fabric to be incurable by the learned profession village. This includes disorders such as as ADHD (attention shortfall upset untidy), fidgety leg syndrome, fibromyalgia, and class II polygenic disease. Of module these types of benefits associate to women as ably as men.

In summary, this nonfictional prose provides a microscopic summary of the possible of bio-identical progesterone for men, as fine as the exigency of lipo-lutin in helping both men and women to dependability their weight. Please make a note of that the benefits mentioned are based on activity of progestogen in a transdermic fashion thereby allowing for its bodily function by lipo-lutin structure sites.

You will consideration at the end of this article near will be no references ready-made to another articles in another journals or publications. The basis is that what I am inscription is supported on my own in the flesh medical institution observations. There is any basic cognitive process and logic involved, but mostly I swear on natural action I get from patients to some extent than relying on the debatable collection of "double-blind studies".

©2006. Dr. Michael E. Platt/All Rights Reserved. This article is copyrighted, but you have blessing to helping it done any moderate as endless as the decorous copyright and commendation splash is integrated.


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