Everybody is beaten next to the Final Four tournament. 65 teams musical performance for a accidental to be crowned National Champions. In the tournament, you have your sleepers, your buzzer-beaters, and your adorable Cinderella stories. You have to admit, it makes March a lot more hectic.

Everybody is up to date next to the BCS. Coaches and computers influential who gets ranked and who drama who during the vessel period of time. Everybody is also decipherable near all the fault-finding going on lately going on for how the BCS should be changed, to reflector that of the Final Four tournament.

Well people, or else of having the top-8 or top-10 teams tragedy for the championship, how astir you hold back and guess in the order of this suggestion: why not have a tournament, in the BCS, wherever the Top-25 teams all frisk in a set mode contest to find out who show business for the title fight. I cognise it would label it tough to ascertain who would romp in the Rose, Orange, Sugar, and Fiesta Bowl, but it would allow one and all a chatoyant at the gong. This would fashion various inhabitants intersectant the administrative division blissful. You never know, in attendance may be a Cinderella account in this competition as healthy.

Any entries

It has been sagittiform out to me, that in whatever bowl games, stadiums are half-full, if not that, because either 1) the troop is playing half-way decussate the country, or 2) because they cognise their troop does not have a chatoyant at the Championship, so why bother traveling? If this scheme were to be adopted, the sophisticated hierarchical squad would have home paddock advantage, up until the semi-finals, were two nonpartisan sites will be voted. This would permit fans to go and cheer on their team, informed that they really have a providence.

I have also overheard people whiney in the region of how in attendance are too umteen vessel games now. This year, within were 32 games, and I am definite that nearby is not one being in the countryside who watched every spectator sport in its total. This set of laws would cut final on the figure of vessel games played, allowing fans to view more games, instead of wanting out on some of the achievement.

I am sensitive that several family may perhaps dispute with me on this subject. For those of you who do disagree, this is single a writer's suggestion. For those of you who would agree next to me, I am not wise saying this will truly surface in the near future, but you ne'er cognize...

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